Friday, February 3, 2012

SportsQuest vs. Blue Ridge high school Loss 64-82

The Spartans had a rough game against Blue Ridge High School. After starting off quickly and leading 21-16 after the first quarter, thanks to timely shooting by Jordan Swopshire, George Mumin and Curt Jones, SportsQuest hit a rough patch of missed shots and turnovers. This led to a 27-10 second quarter run by Blue Ridge and resulted in a 12-point half time deficit, 31-43. 

The Spartans made a run in the second half with Marsellis Purvis and Brian White being aggressive and getting to the basket, but another late run in the third quarter by Blue Ridge dug an even bigger hole for SportsQuest. The Spartans were unable to make a significant run in the 4th quarter, but they played hard until the last second [with Brian white leading the Spartans with 27 points].

by Dowel bracketed text included by SMWhite

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